The report on Dual Career and Mental Health includes the results of 1784 participants obtained with an online survey available in 9 languages (English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Slovenian, Danish, Swedish) measuring:
- the prevalence of mental health indicators (e.g. well-being, anxiety, depression) of dual career athletes with comparative data on mental health in athletes who are not in a dual career pathway, and non-athlete students;
- the bidirectional relationship between mental health and DC, and
- the role of influencing factors on mental health such as dual career experiences (e.g. DC competencies, DC support, negative DC experiences) and interindividual differences.
The outputs include:
- link to the online survey
- 1 European report (i.e. on 1784 participants across 6 EU Member States)
- 6 national reports (i.e. Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia)
- Fact & figures sheets
- PPT presentations (European and national results)
- testimonials of dual career athletes on dual career and mental health

- Link to the online DC4MH Survey in 9 languages