Simon Defruyt (PhD)
Simon is currently working part-time (0,4 FTE) as a postdoctoral researcher for the research group Sport Psychology and Mental Support (SPMB) of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. SPMB is part of the department of Movement and Sport Sciences (MOSS), which is part of the Faculty of Sport Science and Physiotherapy. As a postdoctoral researcher, Simon focuses on valorising dual career knowledge, (co-)editing a handbook, and developing instruments and workshops for student-athletes and dual career support providers.
From 2015 up to 2019, Simon Defruyt was a doctoral researcher for SPMB. He has a master degree in organisational psychology and a specialized certificate in sport psychology. In his research, Simon focused on the competencies, support strategies and education of dual career support providers. He coordinated and participated in several European DC projects, including ‘Gold in Education and Elite Sport’ (GEES), ‘Be a Winner in lite Sport and Employment before and after athletic Retirement’ (B-WISER), Mind the Gap and the IOC project ‘The development and evaluation of training modules for DC support providers’. During his PhD, Simon co-authored the European Handbook for DC support providers, developed education modules for DC support providers, and co-created an online competence evaluation for DC support providers (www.dualcareertools.com). From an applied perspective, Simon provided dual career support and workshops for student-athletes in the department ‘Topsport en Studie’ of the VUB.
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