For the 2022 Erasmus+ Sport call, the research group Sport Psychology and Mental Support (SPMB) submitted as a coordinator a collaborative partnership entitled “Promoting Mental Health through the Entourage in high-performance Sport” (MENTiS). We are very excited to announce that our 2-year project got accepted and funded for the full grant. The project is led by VUB (prof. dr. Paul Wylleman, prof. dr. Koen De Brandt, dr. Jolan Kegelaers, and dra. Laura Spolverato) and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Commission.
MENTiS (1/1/2023 - 31/12/2024) aims to strengthen mental health initiatives within European high-performance and talent development sports organizations. To this end, the project will develop new community-based interventions targeting the athlete entourage (i.e., coaches, support staff, significant others).
More information on https://spmb.research.vub.be/mentis